Friday, October 15, 2010


Bird is a member of the group of vertebrate animals (vertebrates), which have feathers and wings. The oldest bird fossil discovered in Germany and known as Archaeopteryx.

Birds reproduce by eggs. The eggs of birds, reptiles such as eggs, only more difficult, because the coating of limestone. Maleo Some species of birds such as birds and birds charred, hoarding their eggs in sandy soil mixed with litter, warm sandy beaches, or near a hot spring. Instead of brooding, the birds leave the natural heat of decaying leaves, sun or geothermal incubate the eggs, like most reptiles.

But most of the birds nest and incubate the eggs in the nest with mengeraminya it. Nests may be just a bunch of twigs, grass, or stones, or simply kaisan in sandy soils with a slightly curved so that the eggs are not easily reversed. But there's also the kind of birds that nest in a complex and beautiful, or unique, such as the known types Tempu Manyara, hornbills and namdur swallow.

birds born babies are still generally low, must be heated and fed with food from its parent. In addition to the types of charred birds, where the children live independently in the bird looking for food and protection. Son of charred birds can be executed some time after hatching, although some are already able to fly.

The species of birds in general have a ritual in pairs, respectively. This ritual is a process to identify and attract a partner, usually performed by male birds. Some specific categories, such as peacocks and paradise, the males do a dance to attract females. While the birds mate with attractive males report a half ago her nest Manyara. When the female is ready to continue the construction of nests by the males to be perfect, but when women are not satisfied, it is discarded or abandoned nests.

Bird provided enormous benefits to human life. Many species of birds such as chickens, turkeys, domestic ducks and geese for a long time and are an important source of protein, meat or eggs.

In addition, people also keep the birds for fun and competition. Examples are birds, pigeons, doves, song thrush and other rock. Eagles are often required for the performance and prestige, sports and hunting. many bird species are increasingly rare in nature because people are hunting for commercial purposes.

Apart from the bird population continues to decline due to habitat destruction caused by bird to human activities. Therefore, some of the many species of protected birds, either by law or international regulations of Indonesia. Some nature reserves and national parks are also built to protect the birds

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Fish is a member of vertebrates poikilotermik (cold-blooded) that live in water and breathe with gills. The fish are more different species of vertebrates more than 27,000 worldwide. In the standings, the fish belonging to the paraphyletic group relationship is still debated, generally divided into fish without jaws fish (class Agnatha, 75 species of fish including Harpies lampreys), cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species, including sharks and rays ), and the rest are classified as hard bony fish (class Osteichthyes).

Fish can be found in almost all the "puddle" of water that are large both freshwater, brackish water or salt water at varying depths, from near surface to several thousand meters below the surface. However, hyper-saline lakes like the Great Salt Lake do not support fish. There are several species of fish cultivated for maintained to be exhibited in the aquarium.

Fish are an important food source. Other aquatic animals, such as molluscs and crustaceans also sometimes regarded as a fish when used as a food source. Catch fish for food in small quantities or sports are often referred to as fishing. Results of fishing the world each year approximately 100 million tons.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Another term for the mammal is a lactating animal. Includes class vertebrates (have a backbone) and mammary glands in females. Mammals belong to warm-blooded animals or keep their body temperature, such as humans. In general, mammals bear their offspring in a way midwives or childbirth.

But there are some mammals that lay eggs, like a guppy fish and hammerhead sharks. This is because they do not deliver is not the main feature of mammals. But it is all about breastfeeding and have mammary glands in females was a central feature. Mammals have several characteristics, such as have heart with four chambers, his body covered with feathers, the tips of his ears was sharp(taper), have the sweat glands, and breathe through lungs.

Consists of 5487 mammal species from 46 orders. Known today almost 25 percent of mammal species threatened with extinction. At least 1141 species in severe decline. The population of most species are declining Asian primate species, such as elephants. It happened because of the destruction of the forests where wild elephants live. On the other hand, mammals are animals that are known to survive most of the changes in the environment so long. This is due to the varied character of this animal.

Not only spread as land animals, water, and air. Diverse in size, the smallest (2.5 to 12 centimeters) to the largest (33 meters) have so it can stay in place with various characters and weather. Starting from caves, holes, narrow places, the sea, to the desert, to prairie. Some other animals including mammals include tiger, orang utan, deer, whales, rats, sharks, rabbits, kangaroos, bats, tapirs, and camels. Known six of the 10 most intelligent animals came from a group of mammals.


Pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a pet, as opposed to wild animals, animals, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are held for reasons production or economic.
The nature of the very popular pets by humans is loyalty, or funny behavior of their songs. Saving pets can relieve stress and even some types of pets that are used as medical therapy, particularly the psychological health problems.
Common types of pets :
- Fish

- Bird

- Reptiles

- Wild

- Mollusk